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Wednesday, July 27, 2005 ;
9:31:00 PM
Hi everybody who r reading this post.... hehe.... Quite a number of days havn't update my blog le.... hehe... Last sat, went to the Kallang Theatre to watch a dance performance... Went to the dacnce performance with Eric n Jy... We intended to take bus 16 from P.S to there but in the end we took bus 2:40 to there as erc wanted to sit comfortably in a taxi to watch his comic.... HEhe..Actally, it was good to take bus 240 to there lol, as we wanted to be at there as early as possible to find a better place to watch the concert.... But in the end, we arrived jus in time for the concert... Thousands "thanks" to the taxi driver who drove us there.. Haiz... The taxi-driver dropped us off somewhere as Kallang as he said that the roads were closed for the NDp's rehersal... At first we belived him but as we were walking to the theatre, we saw taxis, buses, cars driving pass us, we realised that the taxi-driver had cheated us, then while walking we were discussing how the taxi driver was, how dishonest is he, as he also gave us the wrong change.... The concert lasted for 2 hours n the performances were reallie great, there were break-dances, classical dances n many more.............. hehe... Then after the concert we were trying reallie hard to get out of the place to find a place to hav our dinner, so we took bus 16 n alight after a few stops.. To our shock, we alighted at a no-man place.... We were deciding to take which form of bus 11, either we walk to the interchange or wait for the real bus no. 11 to come.... In then end, we waited for the bus as we aren't quite sure on the right path which can brings us to the interchange.... In the end,we ahd our dinner at bugis(Long John), we placed the last order of the day at there, as the fast-food restaurant was closing..... For us, we were lucky to get into the last few trains to get back home........ Had plenty of sleep, n on Sunday, i did nothing much, jus studying, watching tv n eating ba... HEhe.... Currently, i'm still not enjoying my holidays as it seems that there's not much time for me to relax.... Still hav to study for the up-coming tests, hav to attend my cca which was tiring..... Yesterday, had my squash training as usual.... hehe...Though, we are told to run eight rounds at the track, we "ate snake" n ran only for 6rounds.. hehe.... But after the running, our senior's senior gave up some training.... He made us to run around the squash court which is reallie tiring.... All of us experience Jelly_leg after the training... haha.. Hope that the next training would be better... hehe...:)

i lit my sky--

Friday, July 22, 2005 ;
5:10:00 PM
HAHa, a long time nv up-date my blog liao.... Finally, my holidays had started... Although the holidays only last for a week, but it's better than nth right?? hehe... But gonna do some revision during the holidays as i will be having 4 tests after my holidays... Finally, in SP, i had mine 1st attempt of playing tennis le... Tennis is reallie a ver fun sport man, though i'm not veri pro with playing tennis, i know some of the basic strokes cause i played b4 a few times... hehe... Today noon, i had my math tution at home... The tutor was telling me that those questions in the 10years series are too easy le, he told me that he will give me some other practises.... Reallie hope that after doing those practices, my math will improved.... hehe.... ANyway, today is Francis n my daddy's birthday.. Happy birthday to my dad... Hope u will like the cake that i had bought... hehe.. cause sth, my dad will read my blog too.... I reallie hav a gut feeling that terrorists are in Singapore le... Those feelings arrived to me after i board a MRt home today... Policemen were inside the MRt inspecting the situation in a mRT, however i nv had the feeling that SIngapore will be safe(100% safe from bombing attacks).... Let's hope that WE wouldn't get bombed ba... Hehe...

i lit my sky--

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 ;
9:20:00 PM
I had my programming test yesterday... I hav to admit that the test was simple but i hav not much confidence of getting a full mark for it.... I will try harder for my mid-semester test which is schedule is 2weeks time... hehe... Yesterday in SP, it was raining through the day.... Sometimes, i realli hate the rain, cause it made me to had a bad fall, which cause me to hav a bad bruise cum cut on my left arm... It reallie hurts... hehe... Initially,blood was dripping to the ground but it stopped after a while... Maybe i shouldn;t had blame on the rain, i should blame of myself for my carelessness while walking(hmmm, maybe i ran ) on a frictionless cum slippery bridge...HEhe... Today, sch ended at 1pm instead of 3pm as Mdm yap( my PEEE teacher) was absent... haiz... though we can go home earlier but someday n somehow, we will still hav to hav a make-up lesson for that practical..... These few days, i hav been having a reallie bad throat, think i won't recover for weeks ba, cause i still went to Long John for lunch.. hehe... anyway, went to the student Alumni centre to collect some prizes as i got the 33rd position for collecting the most fund for the SP's flag day... the prizes turn out to be $15 of KFC voucher.. Hiaz, i can't spend my voucher at there for the time being ba... HEhe..... Can't smile without u....

i lit my sky--

Saturday, July 16, 2005 ;
5:14:00 PM
YEa!! Today is the release of a long waiting book(Harry potterN the half-blood prince).. Although i pre-ordered the book, i didn't went to collect the book from Popular as i hope to catch some sleep for sat, so that i will hav the energy to focus during my Math tution.... Had my math tution at 10 this morning as usual, n once agian my tutor arrived at my doorstep puctually at 10... For mth, he has been coming so punctual, nv been late n had n been early., his timing is jus right.. Hehe... During the tution, i made lots of careless mistakes while practising some math questions... I must reallie be more careful while attempting the math questions.. On thursday, my carelessness once again costs me to get only 70marks for my math test... Hiaz, i had failed my target of getting 90marks for the test.... YEsterday, i went to the gym for the 1st time at SP... HAHa... I was planning to do some weight lifting in the gym, BUT in the end, i onli went to work out on the treadmill for running n did some excercises to train my leg muscle.. Really hope that my endu for going to the gym won't die off as i plan to go there at least once a week.... Haha... Tml going to meet jing yuan to get some tickets, quite a moment nv saw him liao, since the last class gathering... Maybe tml can shu bian collect Harry potter.... hehe.... Hiaz, sad for me, next monday i'm going to hav a test agian, this time it's programming test.. hopefully i can get a A+ for the test ba... :) Everyday, news are reported in newsapaper(obviously), but sadly, nowadays, we hav been receving shocking n bad news.... " NKF saga","HOw Huang NA was killed","foolish tazi driver bumping into some1","Maid kills employer","THe guy who planted bomb in LOndon was a Chemisty teacher(better beware of chemistry teacher J/K hehe...), yesterday, "teenage dies while playing soccer".... Reallie hope that only good news will be reported everday.............................................................

i lit my sky--

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 ;
8:21:00 PM
Haven't been up-dating my blog for the past few days... Was feeling rather tired during these fews days...Maybe it's due to the fact tat i hav played too much squash ba... I hav been playing it during last friday, sunday n yesterday. Furthermore, i hav been having onli 5-6hours of sleep per day only.... For now, i would like to re-construct the schedule of my life so that i can put in more time into my studies while having more time to find "ZHOu GOng". Hehe... Tml, i'm going to hav my math test le... I hav been worring for it as math has been my weakest subject since i was in sec1... reallie hope tat i will do well for my Math test once agian as i hav gotten 90marks for my previous test... These fews days, lectures hav been quite boring n i can see tat in our class, more ppl are falling asleep during the lessons.. WHile others are not falling asleep, others ppl like me, was busy with others stuffs... Seems tat no 1 is paying attention to the lecture... HAha... These days, while doing some day dreaming, i hav been feel tat our life is veri vulnerable... Cause we may met an acident at any time... i'm not thinking of the negative side, but i reallie felt tat we should make use of our time wisely to do something that u like or sth tat u can make yr friends happy... HEhe... :) Going off le, off to watch MAdagaScar... Any of u wanan borrow it from me??

i lit my sky--

Friday, July 08, 2005 ;
1:57:00 PM
Today, had my lesson only from 10:30am to 12pm only... haha... During the math lecture, we had a small test on trigo... The test only consists of 2questions but i only got 1 question right.. However, no 1 in our class managed to get two of the qustions right... Reallie hope tat i can improve my maths till i know how to do every questions.. HAha... i was wondering if practise make perfects? Cause somehow, i dun seem to believe it.... Hehe.. Today is going to be a ti-ri-ng
day for me... Cause later on at 5pm, i still hav to go for my squash training.. Hiaz... Hav to play 5 opponents today, 4 of them are from year 2 while the other guy is from year 1.... Since entering SP, i had been eating quite a lot of junk food which made me felt quite guilty... CaUse those stuffs are reallie unhealthy to our body.. Better go to the gym n hav some workout... HAha... Actually, poly students are like tat, they ate quite a lots of unhealthy stuff... One of my classmate can actually drank 4cans of coca-cola during 1 lecture... haha... N his record for drinking coca cola was 24of cans per day.... HAha... Yesterday was a tragic day in London as many ppl were killed n injured from the terrorists bombing... I hav a strong feeling tat 1 day, terrorist will plant many bombs at Singapore too.... Hv to pray that this day will nv come... Yesterday, Edwin n i took the MRT home.... We were going home from sch, then when we board the Mrt, we heard a lady sitting in front of us speaking loudly to another lady tat a luggage n a plastic bag in front of her belonged to a man who went out of the Mrt... Both of us were shocked as the transparent plastic bag contains a few circular items which were wrapped with the newspaper... Our reaction was " Zha DAn"... We knew tat London also received bombing during yesterday morning, therefore both of us left the train at the next station.... haha... We reallie realise tat life is percious n we felt that it weren't worth to be killed by a bomb.... Therefore if any one of u, when taking the mrt and if u all saw any suspicious articles or items, pls inform the Mrt staff or call 999... hehe...

i lit my sky--

Monday, July 04, 2005 ;
8:07:00 PM
HAHa... Though today is YouTh Day, i still hav to go to sch... Hiaz.... Even students from NUs are getting a day off for youth day... JUs wondering if i'm reallie tat old to be a youth.... Oh pls i'm only 16 this year.... Anyway, had my lessons as usual from 8am-5m, had subjects like programming(C++), digital electronics n the principles of EEE... Was a heavy day for me.. Cause we had a reallie boring lecture during noon, n many of my classmates were sleepling, in fact taking a nap ba, i should sae...HEhe... Yesterday, i spend my whole morning in JJ to play squash qith eric.. Seriously, had felt tat he had improved in his squash... Yo Eric, u must work hard to become the top 5 seeds wo... HEhe... Gonna go now... Hav to complete a project which is about SIngapore 21... Hav anyone heard of it b4???????

i lit my sky--

Saturday, July 02, 2005 ;
1:07:00 PM
5Days nv up-date my blog.. Haha... Had to combine 4 of the entries into this entries le...
Today i onli hav my lesson from 8am to 12:00pm.. Was a short day for me... During the math lecture, we learned sth about trigo, which was a revision for ppl who learned a math b4... hehe... Then, went to Clementi to buy the Gatsby wax... The price of the wax at there was $6:80 which was relatively cheap... At 4:45pm met with michelle, yi long, guan zhu, kwan chet, cheng ning(though kwan chet is the onli 1 from NP), at the boonlay interchange to go to ngee ann poly to watch a concert by (Shi Kang Qun), a Singaporean singer... The concert was hosted by 933DJ (MA LI).. The concert was actually quite interesting... He sang a few of his favourie songs n also some songs which are from his album like huo guang, hei ye guo hou... He also tried to imitate jackie zhang, andy lau which he did veri well... Overall i will give the concert a rating of 7/10.... After the concert we went to Clementi hawker centre to hav our dinner... All of us ordered Western food which was quite famous at there... All of us didn't dare to order the sugarcane juice from the stall which was beside our seats as we found out tat they were veri unhygenic(using recyle plastic cups)perhaps they didn't wash it? Haha.. So we went to ordered lime juices n coconut water from another drinks stall....
Today was a long day in school... we had lesson from 8am till 4pm... During our lunch break(11/2hour), six of my classmates, plus me (of course0 went to meet our personal tutor for lunch at the staff centre.. Y are we meeting our personal tutor for lunch? Cause in SP ,during every semsester, we were be given $6.50 to spend our time together with our personal tutor... We had buffet at the staff centre, n the guys were taking lots of food... There were grilled chicken, fish with garlic sauce, wedges, fish nuggets, chicken wanton, vegetables, tofu , laksa, dim sum, ice cream, jackfriuts, n etc.... When we finish our foods on our table we were all filled, in fact we were bloated... N so when we when to ur math lecture at 1pm, some of them were sleeping through out the whole lecture as they were veri full...
Today, i onli hav my lessons till noon.. However we couldn't go home as there was a talk about STD/ AIDS at the convention centre at 3pm... Actually our main motive of going to the talk is due to the 2 CCA points which will be awarded to us if we attend the talk... Hehe.. At the talk we were shown a video of ppl on how did they contracted HIV... The video was quite humorous..... For example, at 1 case, an army guy contracted AIDS as he didn't taken any safety precautions lik wearing tat thing, (The reason: When the army distribute that to him, they went to use it to play water bomb...). At night watched the superstar as i had nth to do... HEHE...

i lit my sky--