Tuesday, February 14, 2006 ;
12:59:00 AM
Happie Valentine's to all my friends n all the couples around the world...
25 Minutes
After some time I've finally made up my mind
She is the girl and I reallie wan 2 make her mine
I'm searching everywhere to find her again
2 tell her that i love her
n i'm sorrie 'bout the things I've done
I find her standing in front of the church
the onli place in town where i didn't search
She looks so happie: ) in her wedding dress
but she's cryingT_T while she's saying this
Boy i missed yr kissies all the time but this is
25 mins too late
Though you travelled so far boy i'm sorry u r
25mins too late
Against the wind I'm going home again
wishing me back to the time when we were more than friends
But still i see her in front of the church
the onli place in town where i didn't search
She looked so happie in her weddingdress
but she's cryed while she was saying this
Boy i missed yr kisses all the time but this is
25mins too late
Though u travelled so far boy i'm sorrie u r
25mins too late
Out in the streets
places where hungry hearts hav nth to eat
Inside my head
still i can hear the words she said
I can still her her say....
Feeling SO tired gonna hav some sleep le.. On valentine day i will still be having 2 tests.. Sianz...
P.S To all ppl who are single or watever, don't ever feel lonely or depress during the Valentine day, u can spend this day with yr friends, family 2.. Hav fun!!!!
i lit my sky--
Wednesday, February 08, 2006 ;
10:26:00 PM
Today i was late for my PEEE's lectue for half an hour then when i reach the classroom, that lectuer (nickname Yong ming wang zi) told me that we are going to spend another 3mins onli.. haha.. When he said that i wasn feeling so "diao" cause today this is the only lesson that i hav.. Then after lesson, went to foodcourt 5 for lunch, i ate the 2-peices chicken from KFC the kfc... The lunch that i had for today cost me $14.95, cause i was persuaded by a group of people ( from ACJC de) to buy their fun's fair ticket... It costs $10, if u was me, were u buy it? haha...
Then after sch, went to JJ to play squash, saw so many of my friends. haha ; ) Then at 3pm went to watch a soccer match at JJ.. It was a match bwtween JJ n VJ, jus as wat i thought, JJ lost 2-0 to JJ. It was a darn boring zzz match, the JJ team had two chances of converting their penalty, but none of the kicks got into the net.. haha... But i regretted going to watch the soccer match, cause i lend my squash racket to someone, i dunno who lol, cause quite a few ppl used my racket.. However, when i enter the squash court to retrieve my racket, i found a crack on my racket... HMmm, aRRR, i jus re-string it leh,... y break le??? haha...
fElliNg sO dEpReSsEd tHaT My rAckEt cRaCk...

anyway, yesterday i bought a CD title you're beautiful..some of the love songs inside the cd are quite nice.. Recommadation---> Disc 1 track 2 Dido-Thank You, Disc 1 track13 M2M- The Day u went away, Disc 2 track 12 Frente- Bizarre Love Triangle...

i lit my sky--
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 ;
5:55:00 PM
Hello everybody, finally i'm back once again... It had been 5 mths n a day since i up-dated my blog... Sorrie guys, but so many unfortunate n unhappie stuffs had been occuring in my life during the last 5 mths, therefore, i reallie hav no mood, time and the endu to up-date my blog.. Anyway, today is already the 10th day of the Chinese New Year... haha.. Hope it's still not 2 late.. Wanna wish everyone a Happie Chinese Year n A happie 2006... Okie.. Gonna end my entry le... Haha.. I was kidding la.. How can i up-date such a short entry after being missing in action in blogspot for totally 5 mths... Hope that u guys had enjoyed yrs CNY.. haha.. I had enjoyed mine.. Although today is already the 10th day of the CNY, somehow, i'm still in the holiday mood... haha... I must reallie wake up le, in the next few weeks, i will be having my semester exam le.. Can start to feel the heat of the semester exam le... To the poly students semester exams are veri important, it's = to the promos in the JC.. haha.. so i gonna work hard le.. Anyway, i had 2 practical tests for today.. I think n i felt that i had onli done fairly okie for those 2 tests... Such a disappointment, hope that i will do much much better for my up-coming exam.. Enough of exams le, lets change the topic... haha... I had nv nv hate CNY n this year, it was no exception, i jus love CNY.. haha.. Y? Cause in CNY, i got lots of food to eat(like ba gwa, nuts, pineapple tarts n etc), lots of $$ n fun too... As usual, i'm proud to say my luck in the CNY is quite "wang" hee... On the first day of the CNY(chu 1) when i went to my big's aunt house, i won $52 dollars in blackjack, then during the second day of CNY, i lost $5 in Mahjong, but on CHU3, i won another $56 in blackjack.. SEe, my luck hav been quite "wang" ba.. haha.. Gambling can be a source of income for me during the CNY, however, u think in gambling got confirm win de meh? "10 du 9 shu", heard b4 of this phrase right, better dun bet so much $$ during or after CNY.. Cause u will nv know when u will lost all yr $$$.. LOST UNTILL U T_T.. so better dun gamble... haha.... As usual, in CNY, we will got hongbao from our parents and relatives, however i hav to save all my $$ that i got during the CNY.. can't use my hongbao money to buy anythings.. But it's All right.. : )
On chu 1 , i onli had 5 hours of sleep as i hav to wake up at 9:30am to bai nian.. haha.. I slept onli at 4:30am at the chu xi ye as i try my best to "shou shui" for my parents.. haha.. but in the end, i was too tired n i fall zzz... Actually, there was no need to wake up at 9:30am lol, cause my couisn's stay at the same block as me, n i'm going there at10am to bai nian.. haha.. Then after visiting my cousin's house, we went to my grandfather's house to "bai nian". i love to go to their house to bai nian as there are lots of yummy food at there, furthermore, my grandparents will each give me a "big" hongbao.. haha.... Then after my visit to grandma's house, i went to help my mum for her delivering of buffet.. haiz.. too bad, my mum hav to work while bai nian during the CNY, cause many ppl had ordered lots of buffets during this joyous occasion. Then after helping my mum, it''s was about 6pm.. Then together with my family, i went to my Big aunt's house to bai nian.. haha.. As usual, i hav my dinner at there on every year of chu 1.. haha.. She made po-piah, tea eggs, soup, hashbrown for us which was veri veri delicious.. I liked the tea leaves egg, especially,it's different from those in the fun-fair.. My aunt uses two day to stew the eggs, so it's darn nice n fragrant.. Then after dinner, gambling session start, my parents, cousins played the blackjack, n my cousins n aunt are occupying the mahjong seats... Then about 12am, then we went home n this how my first day of CNY goes.. haha.. Then at chu2, cheng ning, kai jie, max, ming kuan n i went to Bing long's house to bai nian... haha.. We had our dinner at there n after dinner we played some cards game.. Initially, we played blackjack n i was winning a little, then after a while Bing long suggested playing "Indian Poker", do anyone of u know wat indian poker is?? This is how the game goes, every player pick a card from the deck, then we hav to put it in front of our forehead to show other the card, however we are not suppose to see the card that we picked.. then after seeing other cards, there's a cup n we will mix some liqours together, the one with the smallest card will drink it.. I was like xin zai le huo, felling so happie to see other drinking, until mu itchy mouth told everybody that in the next round, the one with the biggest card drinks.. OF cos u knew wat happened, i got the biggest card.. the drink was awful, it was a mixture of vodlka, whisey, red wine, tiger n vanilla coke.. eee, reallie taste so weird.. haha... Then after than we played mahjong till 6am lol... So tired... ZZZZ....
Then on chu 3, all my relatives are coming to my house to bai nian this is the day which i had enjoyed the most... Cause it's probably the only time in a year that i could see all my cousins n aunts.. haha... The pics below are the food that i ate for dinner.. Hee...

Having a SteamBoat Dinner
Then suddenly my uncle who works( in the sakae sushi) if i'm not wrong, brought this for us...

Sushi, My favourite.. Haha...
I think my uncle is quite exaggerate.. Cause the previous night he asked me other than sushis, wat do i like to eat in the japanese cusine, i say i liked to eat this (tako)

But HE bought these, too much le.... I felt that it's veri kuang zhang... Haha..

Of course, there's the fresh salmon fish for those who like to eat it raw, but i put it in the steamboat.. haha..

THEn while eating, came my aunt who bought a Soy sauce chicken from the Crystal Jade

AFter eating so much delicious food, it's time to "lao yu sheng"...

After eating so many stuffs, i became reallie reallie veri full, then went to play some games with cousins.. Reallie had so much fun... Then at night when i suddenly feel a little bored,i decided to open my red-packets to see how much $$ i had collected.. n i saw this-----

I was dreaming lol... How i wish these were what i got for my hongbao's money.. haha..
gonna end at here le.. think this is reallie a long entry.. haha..... Nitez to everyone..
i lit my sky--