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Tuesday, August 29, 2006 ;
1:16:00 AM
YoZ... went to cut my hair.. feeling more comfortable.. People say tt I looked more refresh without my fringe.. I dunno..

Today received two birthday presents.. One from Wei Ting and the other from Lynn.. Thanks guys.. haven't open the present tt wt gave.. this sat then open..I will be careful with the gift de.. hehe.. And lynn thanks for yr gift.. It's veri realistic.. Cool Cold Cash.. Haha.. But I still prefer gifts tt are handmade.. It's reallie the thoughts that counts.. Reallie appreciate..lol..

iS iT alwAys bEtter tO be love then to love? I dunno.. I reallie..
Sth when ppl like me, I dun feel it's xing fu, but sth I do feel veri happie.. But when I like a person, I do feel veri veri miserable.. but if u know that the person love u too, U will feel beri veri veri happie 1..

Gonna pack my bag now.. Tml going to class chalet.. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE...

i lit my sky--

Sunday, August 27, 2006 ;
2:31:00 AM
Finally, I manage to log in to my blogger's aCc again.. Today was my great-grandmother 1st anniversary of death.. As a respect to her, I went down to my aunt's void deck where a "post" funeral was set up for her.. it reallie resemble like a funeral, except that there was no coffin.. Over there, there was a priest saying prayers for hrs and I hav to follow all the ppl over there holding a joystick, walking around the void deck.. It's kinda boring but at the same time it's the only opportunity where I get to see all my relatives(father-side).. Sth I reallie dread to see them.. cAuse without any doubt when they see me, they will ask me lots of questions, examples, yr hair is a new hairstyle ah? now 2nd or 3rd year in Poly? Y still dun wan to hav a gf? do u love yr mummy more than or daddy and etc.. Lol..

Who aM I in mY last?

My past life diagnosis:I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Southern England around the year 1075. Your profession was that of a farmer, weaver or tailor.

Your brief psychological profile in your past life:Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future.

The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:Your lesson is to develop a kind attitude towards people, and to acquire the gift of understanding and compassion.

Dun think it's true..lol.. However, someone I'm reallie curious who or wat I was during my last life.. Can anybody tell me? Haha..

i lit my sky--

Friday, August 25, 2006 ;
1:39:00 AM
Finally, after so mani days I can log in to my blogspot's acc.. haha.. Today paper was hard, terribly hard.. CT&A, I hate u for life.. Anyway eXamS are Over.. Finally I can spend some time to enjoy my life and hav a good rest and sleep.. Wat's stress? I'm currently feeling stressless.. hehe.. But guess this feeling is only temporary..

After my test, went to meet winnie to watch a movie.. We end up watching Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting as there were no other movies which are nice.. The movies tt are currently screening sounds super lame.. Ex. Snakes on a plane, Chai-Lai Angel, An American Hunting.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Initially, i thought it is only a ordinary movie but after watching it, it's reallie enjoyable.. laughed quite a lot during the show.. Such a nice show yet there are only 4 ppl in the theatre.. Haha..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Before the movie, went to Swensen to hav my lunch.. Ordered the set lunch which consists the soup of the day, main course and desginer dessert. had Breaded Chicken Meuniere as my main course.. On top of tt, we ordered the

Frosted Chocolate Malt which was beri nice la...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Then after tt went to cathay to purchase some stuffs from adidas.. Bought kj his birthday present.. then went to B&J and ate mix and match.. 3 scoops of B&J(mint chocolate chunks, New York chcoco Fudge and cHocolAte bRownies).. Shiok... Saw von and wei at cathay while eating B&J.. haha.. Everyone is out town to catch a movie after our last paper.. haha..

hav to ZzZzZ already.. last night onli manage to hav 2 pathetic hrs of sleep.. Tml and sat still hav to attend during the day and night as it's my great-grandma 1st anniversary of death.. Bye..

i lit my sky--

Thursday, August 17, 2006 ;
12:21:00 PM
I need sleep.. I reallie need some steady sleep.. Due to examination, these few days i had only manage to hav a couple hrs of sleep.. 2 papers down and 3 more to go.. the paper which I took reallie sucks.. Dun reallie understand a few of the questions... Jus anyhow crap through my way during the paper when I encounter those questions which I dun understand.. Yesterday paper was oK, relevantly easy.. Tml gonna hav another exam,after tml test i gonna hav a steady power sleep.. Haha...

Last sat went to catch the fireworks by team france.. Was fanstatic.. Took some pic and video but currently hav no time to upload.. SOrrie guYs..

Reallie looking forward to the holidays.. Gonna hav a good good good good good (x10) rest..

P.S [聪明变傻瓜 这就是暗恋她的代价 ]

i lit my sky--